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Comic  Writers
see also: artists, creator fans
A Story (added: 08/10/99)
At this point, this site consists mostly of some poems and short fiction vaguely dealing with classic comic book themes and concepts. Sometimes the connection is readily recognizable; other times, it's less so. Most of the work, as is the site itself, are in progress. There will be more forthcoming shortly.
Comic Writers Forum, The (added: 08/10/99)
The Comic Writers Forum is dedicated to helping each of our members write better comics, through submissions and critiques.
Dixonverse (added: 08/10/99) officialsite
The Official Website of writer Chuck Dixon. The site offers bibliography, articles on a wide range of topics, and a message board forum to chat with Chuck and ask him questions plus hang out with other fans.
Harlan Ellison (added: 08/10/99)
Sequential Ellison: The Harlan Ellison Comic Book Bibliography is an illustrated bibliographic reference exploring the comic book and comic book related work of the award winning writer Harlan Ellison.
Hellsong Web, The (added: 06/22/99)
Bringing a human element to a surreal world, Hellsong is a completed comic book trilogy that delivers both action and emotion. The words are down on paper, but the comic still needs an artist. At the site, interested artists and fans can read script excerpts and offer support. Hopefully an artistic team can be assembled soon so that the book may someday be published.
Smoke Damage (added: 07/22/99) officialsite
The official site of writer Warren Ellis.  
Digital Webbing
Comic Mail
Comic Poll
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